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Monday, June 6, 2011

Prayer Secret

What Kind Of Prayer Secret Brings This Type Of Result? 
Prayer Secret #1
 Begin with Thanks and Praises
 All prayer must be scented with praises. You must enter into the presence of the Lord with thanks and praises. Leave your troubles behind, open your heart to the Lord, and enter into His gates with thanksgiving.
 However, this is not because all your requests are granted but because your name is written in the Book of Life and this cannot be exchanged for anything. Any other prayer should be secondary to thanksgiving and praises.

Prayer Secret #2
 Confirm God’s Will
 Find out whether what you are asking for is God’s will for your life. You do not go to God asking whether to divorce your spouse and marry another. Of course that is NOT God’s will for your life and He is not going to answer. As a matter of fact, you  might even get a little spanking for it.

Prayer Secret #3
 Identify Your Needs and be Specific
 Here’s where many people fall down. What some are looking for may not be what they need.
 Like many people who say they want to be very rich (materially), promising to sponsor the work of the gospel to any level. As far as God is concerned, that person may not need to be rich at all. Maybe all God wants to do is to turn her life upside down and drain all the impurities (like bitterness, unforgiveness, etc) out of her life to make her more useful. But she just wants to be rich!
 Another might want to prophesy and see visions, but God might just want her to deal with the spirit of anger first. Because with this spirit inside her, she will destroy every good thing that God sends her way.
 Yet another might be praying for a godly spouse, but all God wants the person to do is to go for a thorough deliverance FIRST to drain out all the evil deposits that the enemy has injected into her life through sex in the dream. Because He knows that if He allows her to marry in this state, divorce is just a few years down the road!
 Prayer Secret #4
 Meditate on Scripture
 This is the biggie…
 Identify scriptures that promise what you need and meditate on them. As you meditate on a particular scripture, a powerful image will begin to form in your mind. As the image settles in your thoughts, it will be out-pictured (through focused praying) into the physical world around you…
 One thing we will be doing during the upcoming Prayer Academy is to pray “one-pointed” prayers with that image in the mind… in order for them to manifest quickly.
 By the way, there are 7,487 solid promises in the Bible. 

Prayer Secret #5
 Pray with an Expectant Heart and with Faith
 This is bold, confident praying that expects to receive answers. In spite of any physical evidence to the contrary. You can read all about faith in the New Testament book of Hebrews chapter 11.

Prayer Secret #6
 Organize Your Presentation Before God
 God expects us to take the time to ask for one thing AT A TIME. Your prayer must be focused. This means you take up a prayer point and pray it to a level of assurance before moving to the next one. In fact as you pray, you will begin to feel the assurance of answered prayer.
 In Isaiah 41:21 the Bible says, “Produce your cause, says the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, says the King of Jacob.” This means present your case methodically.
 Again it says in Isaiah 43:26: “Put Me in remembrance, let us plead together; declare it that you may be justified.” Again this means to do a systematic presentation before the Lord!

Prayer Secret #7
 Learn to Pray for Others Too
 God does not want us to be selfish with our prayers. He wants us to pray for one another. Please note that this does not exempt anyone from praying for themselves. What our modern Christianity has done is give some people the impression that others must be praying for them while they do nothing.
 Here’s a secret: as you learn to pray for yourself, others will feel drawn to pray with you in agreement. And you will see better results.

Prayer Secret #8
 Be Violent in Prayer
 One of the 2 cardinal principles I teach is the Midnight Prayer. It is a sharp, aggressive, TIME-SENSITIVE take-no-prisoners type of praying that I insist all Christians who want to live productive lives MUST learn. Oh yes, I got that from the Bible.
 Prayer is serious business. I am not talking about the sleepy kind of praying that we were taught to pray in Sunday school… the kind that never produces much result.  I am talking of forceful and powerful praying … the type that affects people in a profound way, tangible way.
 Prayer is warfare. No more. No less. It is not a joke. It is wrestling, a bend or break, make or mar affair – don’t let anyone tell you different. Look in the Bible and study the examples of people like Elijah, Moses, Jacob, Jesus, Paul, etc.
To bring things closer to home, you only have to read the amazing testimonies all over this site to confirm this is true...

 Prayer Secret #9
 Add Fasting to Your Prayers
 Fasting helps to subdue the flesh and this allows the spirit to arise and tune into God’s divine frequency. Please note that fasting does not force God's hands. It helps to add wings to your prayers.
 Another of the cardinal principles I teach is the Esther Method. It is a type of fasting so powerful . In the Bible, Esther did it. Paul did it. You should be doing it too. In terms of producing fast results, nothing else comes close, especially when combined with midnight prayers and targeted prayer points.

Prayer Secret #10
 Allow God to Work in His Own Way
 Do not dictate how He should answer your prayers. Just let Him do it His own way… in His own time. After all, He is God. Do not try to help Him answer your prayers. He just has so many ways of answering – amazing ways.
 For this you might need to cultivate a very rare virtue in our modern world of instant, fast, drive-thru everything. It is called Patience. In the Bible, faith and patience always go together. Yes, faith is required. But patience may be required even MORE.

Prayer Secret #11
 Your Prayer Must be Persistent
 Each day brings you closer to the realization of your dreams. Please listen carefully to this: It is not that God is difficult to approach, or hard to convince. The reason you may not see answers to your prayers immediately might just be because of the power of hindrances in the second heaven… the satanic angels that are fighting people day and night. So you must persist like Daniel and like the woman in Luke 18.
It has been my experience that many people give up just when they are at the edge of their breakthrough. Because they are not able to see things with the eyes of the spirit, the enemy distracts and discourages them just at the point of their miracles! How sad.
Prayer Secret #12
 Pray till the Peace of God Takes Hold of your Heart 
 If you pray and doubt or confusion is still in your heart, you must go back and pray AGAIN! And here’s one half-truth that has derailed the faith of many: a popular TV teaching that once you ask God for something, He has already given it to you… therefore you do not need to ask Him again.
 Half-truth. That's what it is!
The Bible says we should ask
until our joy is full...

Friday, June 3, 2011


Mario was working late and decided to call his wife before returning home.
It was around 22h. The wife did not answer the phone, while leaving Mario play several times. He thought his wife was busy and continued to do some more things.
Later, he tried again and she answered immediately. He asked why she had not met before and she said the phone had not even played. Mario got angry, forgetting that there should be an understanding husband.
On Monday next, Mario received a call at the office of the number he had dialed on Saturday night.
The male caller wanted to know why Mario had called him on Saturday.
Mario did not understand what that man was saying. Then the man said:
My phone rang, rang, but I did not attend.
Mario then remembered the mistake and apologized for disturbing him, explaining that he had attempted to speak with his wife. The man replied:
"Okay. Let me tell you my story: I was planning to commit suicide on Saturday night. But before I prayed saying, 'God if you exist and you're listening to me and don't want me to do it, give me a sign now. "
At that moment, the phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and there was written:
"Almighty God" (God Almighty).
And I was afraid to answer! "
We can not always know the importance of a phone call or e-mail sent to a friend or even by mistake to someone else.
Do not be sorry if suddenly realizing that he did by mistake.
God never makes mistakes ..


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