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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

expression of the trust

Read for himself the verses that proceed. Take an or two of them and commit to memorize them. Satan cannot simply support to hear those verses that leave his/her mouth as expression of the trust of his/her heart. Next time that the enemy to try to surround him/it with their defeat tricks, recite those verses, and he will flee. You will find the peace then that so much needs in times of tribulation. 

Psalms 31.24 - "Thirst forts, and your heart is reinvigorated, you all that you wait in the Mister." 

John 11.16-19 - "Because you will forget about your sufferings and of them you will only have memory as of waters that passed. Your life will be clearer than the noon; although there is him/her darkness, they will be as the morning. You will feel hold, because there will be hope; you will look in around and you will sleep calm. You will lie down, and nobody will frighten you; and many will try to obtain your favor." 

Psalms 138.7 - "If I walk amid the tribulation, you redo me the life; you extend the hand against my enemies' anger; your skillful one saves" me. 

Psalms 55.22 - it "Entrusts your cares to the Mister, and he will support you; he/she will never allow the fair to be affected." 

John 14.1 - your heart is not darkened; you have faith in God, also have faith in me." 

Psalms 27.14 - he/she "Waits for the Mister, he/she has good vitality, and your heart is fortified; he/she waits, because, for the Mister." 

Jeremias 29.11 "I am that I know that thoughts have your respect, he/she says you; peace thoughts and not of badly, to give you the end that you want." 

Psalms 29.11 - "THE Mister he/she gives force to his/her people; the Mister it blesses with peace to his/her people.

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