What events in our time were foretold in the Bible?
HAVE you watched the news on television and wondered, ‘What is this world coming to?’ Tragic things happen so suddenly and unexpectedly that no human can predict what tomorrow will bring.
• “There will be Roaring of the Sea and [its] Agitation.” ie. “Tsunami” (Luke 21:25)
• “There will be Great Earthquakes.” (Luke 21:11)
• “There will be Food Shortages.” (Matthew 24:7)
• “There will be Deadly Diseases.” (Luke 21:11)
• “Nation will rise against Nation and Government against Government.” (Matthew 24:7)
• “There will be signs in Sun and Moon and Stars, and on the Earth Anguish of Nations.”(Luke21:25)
• “Men …. Faint out of Fear and Expectation of the things coming upon …Earth.”(Luke21:26)
Since so many Bible prophecies are being fulfilled today, do you not agree that we are living in the last days? After the good news is preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction, “THE END” is certain to come. (Matthew 24:14)“THE END” means the time when God will get rid of wickedness on earth. To destroy all who willfully oppose Him, Jehovah will use Jesus and powerful angels. (2 Thessalonian s 1:6-9)
Satan and his demons will no longer mislead the nations. After that, God’s Kingdom will shower blessings upon all who submit to its Righteous Ruler ship. Revelation 20:1-3; 21:3-5.
Since the end of Satan’s system is near, we need to ask ourselves, ‘What should I be doing?’ It is wise to continue to learn more about Jehovah and his requirements for us. (John 17:3) Be a serious student of the Bible.
Take in the abundant knowledge that Jehovah God has made available to people worldwide, and make necessary changes in your life so that you may enjoy God’s favor.—James 4:8.
************* Life in God’s New World ************
There will be every reason to be happy in the Paradise earth. There will be
NO Earthquake;
NO Tsunami;
NO Food shortage;
NO Hunger for food;
NO Living in slums;
NO Violence, Wars;
NO Pollutions;
NO Immorality;
NO Sickness;
NO Physical Disability;
NO Corruption;
NO Terrorism;
NO Military Arms;
NO National boundaries;
NO Natural Disaster;
NO Old age and
NO Death;
“[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”—Revelation 21:4.
Bible prophecy says: “In the days of those kings [human rulerships now existing] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom [in heaven] that will never be brought to ruin. . . . It will CRUSH and put an END to all Human kingdoms [present rulerships], and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” (Daniel 2:44)
God will Destroy today's all False Religions and Corruptive Political Governments, So please Get away from False Religion and from All corruptive Systems.
The vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty, his right to rule, by his heavenly Kingdom is the central teaching of the Bible.
Foretelling a key part of the sign of “the last days,” Jesus said: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the END will come.”—Matthew 24:14.
______Who will Survive, when the End comes?______
The Bible answers: “The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, ie those who oppose the Goodnews of God’s Government they will be cut off from the very earth.” (Proverbs 2:21, 22)
The upright are those who learn Jehovah’s will and Obey it.
Jesus Christ said: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) Yes, “the world is passing away . . . , but he that does the will of God remains forever.”—1 John 2:17.
What events in our time were foretold in the Bible?
HAVE you watched the news on television and wondered, ‘What is this world coming to?’ Tragic things happen so suddenly and unexpectedly that no human can predict what tomorrow will bring.
• “There will be Roaring of the Sea and [its] Agitation.” ie. “Tsunami” (Luke 21:25)
• “There will be Great Earthquakes.” (Luke 21:11)
• “There will be Food Shortages.” (Matthew 24:7)
• “There will be Deadly Diseases.” (Luke 21:11)
• “Nation will rise against Nation and Government against Government.” (Matthew 24:7)
• “There will be signs in Sun and Moon and Stars, and on the Earth Anguish of Nations.”(Luke21:25)
• “Men …. Faint out of Fear and Expectation of the things coming upon …Earth.”(Luke21:26)
Since so many Bible prophecies are being fulfilled today, do you not agree that we are living in the last days? After the good news is preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction, “THE END” is certain to come. (Matthew 24:14)“THE END” means the time when God will get rid of wickedness on earth. To destroy all who willfully oppose Him, Jehovah will use Jesus and powerful angels. (2 Thessalonian s 1:6-9)
Satan and his demons will no longer mislead the nations. After that, God’s Kingdom will shower blessings upon all who submit to its Righteous Ruler ship. Revelation 20:1-3; 21:3-5.
Since the end of Satan’s system is near, we need to ask ourselves, ‘What should I be doing?’ It is wise to continue to learn more about Jehovah and his requirements for us. (John 17:3) Be a serious student of the Bible.
Take in the abundant knowledge that Jehovah God has made available to people worldwide, and make necessary changes in your life so that you may enjoy God’s favor.—James 4:8.
************* Life in God’s New World ************
There will be every reason to be happy in the Paradise earth. There will be
NO Earthquake;
NO Tsunami;
NO Food shortage;
NO Hunger for food;
NO Living in slums;
NO Violence, Wars;
NO Pollutions;
NO Immorality;
NO Sickness;
NO Physical Disability;
NO Corruption;
NO Terrorism;
NO Military Arms;
NO National boundaries;
NO Natural Disaster;
NO Old age and
NO Death;
“[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”—Revelation 21:4.
Bible prophecy says: “In the days of those kings [human rulerships now existing] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom [in heaven] that will never be brought to ruin. . . . It will CRUSH and put an END to all Human kingdoms [present rulerships], and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” (Daniel 2:44)
God will Destroy today's all False Religions and Corruptive Political Governments, So please Get away from False Religion and from All corruptive Systems.
The vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty, his right to rule, by his heavenly Kingdom is the central teaching of the Bible.
Foretelling a key part of the sign of “the last days,” Jesus said: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the END will come.”—Matthew 24:14.
______Who will Survive, when the End comes?______
The Bible answers: “The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, ie those who oppose the Goodnews of God’s Government they will be cut off from the very earth.” (Proverbs 2:21, 22)
The upright are those who learn Jehovah’s will and Obey it.
Jesus Christ said: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) Yes, “the world is passing away . . . , but he that does the will of God remains forever.”—1 John 2:17.
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